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Wednesday, August 11, 2004



I have to say that being able to shoot at friends is alot of fun. Myself and five others went to a wooded area and played 3 different style games. In the first one, two teams of three head out in different directions and after a couple minutes advance towards each other 'killing' as they go until only one team is left. The second game we called 'Alamo'. Two people defend a hole that has brush piled around it while four other advance towards that base. The third type of game we played was Civil war-esk. Two teams line up facing eachg other and fire off volleys until one team wins.

Other than myself and my brother, everyone had more than one game under their belt. We all were using Tippmann Pro/Carbines or Model 98s (ok, ok and 1 98 Custom).

Dang it, those paintballs do hurt, not as much as a real bullet, but they still sting for a few minutes. I can't wait to go again.

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