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Thursday, May 05, 2005


The Dilemma

I've faced this problem the past couple weeks. I have two classes that the teacher (who teaches both) likes to give exams back-to-back on the same day. In class A I understand almost everything that's going on, and I have a decently passing grade. In class B I only understand around half of what he's talking about, I've done very poor on exams, and am unlikely to pass.

One might say that I should work so that I able to pass both classes. I agree. The problem is that class A is 2 credits and B is 4. I understand what's happening in class A; I usually don't in class B. Both class are required, so dropping one isn't an exciting option for me.

Do you have this dilemma in your life? You have two things, whatever they may be, that need to be improved in your life. One is starting to do ok, but could use a little more effort. The other isn't doing so hot. If you only have a little more effort to give, do you get the first area fixed and then work on the second one, or do you work on both of then, however little they might improve?

Life sucks when you have to make hard choices that don't look like a win-lose, but lose-lose.

OK, I think I'm done whining for awhile. All I have left this semester is one lab report, a couple minor tweak to our project, and 4 finals.

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